Monday, 10 March 2008

Flash vs Toon boom

Well what can i say, I only really used flash once or twice in first year. I was then introduced to Toon boom. I have used Toon boom ever since. My simple reason being that i found it much easier to navigate than flash.

-Firstly Toon booms interface is a lot more user friendly. Its clearly labelled where everything is.
-The interface itself is much easier to use simply because its outlined for you. You have your layers (reminds me photoshop), exposure sheet, onion skin, lip synching tool, camera tool and the painting tools, all there for you.

Whereas with flash i found it much harder to navigate. Instead of an exposure sheet you have a timline, this i couldn't get my head round. Its clearly labeled where everything is and does not have the lip synching tool. This is more time consuming.

Though flash does have its pros:
It seems to respond better to my graphics tablet
-the drawing come out better
-The colouring looks better
and is faster to use, even though it doesn't have a lip synching tool.
-and it can be used for a web design module as it allow for that as well.

So although flash seems more complex its actualy just down to preference and ease of use.
I still prefer toon boom, its easier to use i understand what i am doing and i dont get confused with which layer or slot i am in as it has the onion skin an layers, that as said before is klike using photoshop. The lip synching tool also help to speed up the process.

Some prefer flash and will swear by it, i will use toon boom.

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