Thursday 6 March 2008

Eva (lynne) Profile and rules

Name: Eva

Age: 23

Job: IT Technician

Eva is a smart individual, cold at times and often kind of stand offish. Though she does a fun streak, but its not as loud nor as obvious as Amy's or Kai's. But still its there.
She loves to read and is always seen reading something. BUt she alos loves her ipod and never leaves home without it. Eva is very down to earth and has a lot of patience, she deals with Amy most of the time.

Eva has purple hair, a deep shade but you can still see it. She has tied up at the back with two stray hairs at the side of her face. She has sharp grey eyes that are behin a pair of thin purple glasses. Eva wears a plain strippey t-shirt with pale blue denim jeans that have tears at the knees. She wears a set of black heeled boots and has pale skin like Amys.

Eva has lived her parents, but never really paid any attention to them. She lived up in her room with electronics. Her ipod that has 50gb, her pc and just all the things she loved. She worked to get into university and worked hard to graduate.
Through uni she met Kai and Amy and becamse quite close. When the time came, when she got her job she moved in with Amy and Kai.

-Always reading
-Always carrying her ipod
-Walks rather staright or 'tall'...with pride

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