Thursday, 6 March 2008

Creative animation - final stop motion idea

As you can probably tell from the title this post is about my final animation idea for creative animation.

I originaly had three idea:
- Opera done i plasticine
- Sand on glass about the exotic
- Ninjas and a warrior monk done with Stikfas.

I went for the stikfa idea. Seems more interesting and within my abilities to do.
Sand glass, though was a nice idea seemed a bit too adventurous, if it went wrong i wouldn't have enough time to correct it.
My plasticine idea well just lacked any interest at all.

But with the stikfa idea i plan do it on my computer desk, to emphasise how small they are, and it will be called 'The tiny ninjas!'.

I dont have a script right now, but i will laydown the basics of idea here. You know o organise it.

It starts of two ninjas in a stare out. Both have weapons and both are fighting for their territory. One ninja (we shall call him 'whitey') starts to make his fighting stance, preparing for battle.
The other (we shall call him darkness) watches whitey as he prepare. Darkness pulls back his throwing weapon and hurls towards whitey. Quickly Whitey deflects that attack and rushes in with a barrage of attack combos. Kicks, punches you name it.

An epic battle ensues as run across the desk, jumping obstacles, trying to gain higher ground and destroy each other. Eventualy they begin to tire and take a quick breather, though never once removing their eyes from the other, for fear of foul play.

Just as they are about to launch into another epic battle, a warrior monk appears standing ontop of the montior. HIs arms folded majesticaly as he looks down at the young ninja and shakes his head.

"Stupid ninja, if you are going to destroy you enemy do it, stop wasting time with fancy martial arts!"

As he is speaking he leaps of the monitor and inbetween the ninja where he pulls out his sword and with an almighty swing in a circular motion goes to kill both ninja. There is a dramatic pause, he has won, the monk, wise beyoned his years has won...

Whitey: Dude, if you're going to pull of stunts like learn to aim!

He missed completely! As Whitey is speaking Darkness takes rushes forward and boots the warrior monk out of the way.

Darkness: Dont interfere!

The two ninja are now facing one another, the warrior fallen of his ass and staring up at them.

Warrior: you are good, but i am afraid i cannot let you leave...this pc is mine!!

The two ninja stare at him in disbelief, all the time they thought it was just an empty pc desk, but here all this time was this warrior monk. Grinning both ninja turn to each other as the warrior gets to his feet.

Darkness: Guess we have to beat him first!

Whitey: Guess so

Pulling together they charge at teh warrior...end?!

Will we ever know what happens..maybe we will if it turns out to be too short!

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