Thursday, 7 February 2008

The story

The story i am planning on for this particular module is called "Dark Circus". It is set in a run down town that doesn't have much money to its name. In this town there are some old tethered tents with some rather old flags, you know the usual circus decoration. But it is not what is on the outside that counts in this story, what counts is what lies inside.
Inside these tents lie 'gifted' beings that perform, some have wings that shimmer and flutter, others can vanish at whim and some are just plain weird.
You are lead around the circus by the ring leader, the one in charge of the entire circus. Her name is Luna. She is short, has a crazy hairdo that is bright green with a red and yellow stripped suit. She wears a top hat and carries a staff.

Luna is rather eccentric and creepy as she giggles at almost everything we find frightening. Some may she is just insane, but here at the circus she is Luna. Respected and powerful.
Afterall she does run the Dark Circus.

At the moment this is but a taster of the story, as i begin to put drawings of character descriptions and settings, plots and what not you will begin to delve deeper into the world that is
'the Dark Circus'.

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