Okies, firstly my scanner is still being mean so no piccies tonight. Though currently i do have a sketch of how i feel the house will look like on the outside and some floor plans. In my version of our characters home there are three floors, plus the underground dungeon. I currently have images in my sketch book of the floor plans, outside design and my main characters' (Amy) room in more detail. Hopefully i will get a new a scanner to bombard this journal with images.
No way Animation!
Int. – Typical coffee shop – 10am
Two friends (Amy and Lynne) are currently sitting at a table with their drinks. One is reading the news paper and the other is tapping her fingers on the table in irritation.
Amy: Aaaagh when is Kai gonna get here? Am so bored!
Lynne: You are so impatient. (Fixes her glasses back onto her face)
Amy: Whatever Lynne, you found anything in that news paper you seem to be so interested in? (Leans over the table and peers over the edge of the paper)
Lynne: -sighs- Look here comes Kai now. (She nods in his general direction)
Amy turns her head and watches as Kai enters the coffee shop, he is wearing fashionable long coat and fashionable headphones. He walks over to where the girls are sat and pulls up a seat.
Kai: Yo! (Slides his head phones around his neck)
Amy hits him the shoulder and Lynne merely waves at him from behind the news paper.
Amy: You’re late!
Kai: I am always late (grins as he hits her back)
Both Amy and Kai and carrying on, play fighting and teasing one another. Mean while Lynne grabs a pen a circles a home for sale as she places in front of them.
Lynne: Guys, this house looks so cool. It’s huge, plus no one has bought it yet and it’s really cheap.
*On the newspaper article about the home:
7 Unsolved murders, said to be haunted!
None of them seem to notice the rather nasty warning about the house and simply stare at the picture.
Amy: Seriously? Wow sweet, it looks great.
Kai: Seconded, I say we contact our real estate agent and arrange a viewing.
Lynne: Totally!
EXT. – Outside the house – 4pm
All three friends are standing outside the house at the gate, their real estate agent.
Real Estate Agent: Did you know this house once used to a church?
All three together: Nah / No.
R.E.A: You do know this home is supposed to be…..well you know?
Kai: It supposed to be what? (Genuinely doesn’t know)
R.E.A: (looks at them funny and nervous) Well…haunted!
All three together: NO WAY?!
Amy: So cool
R.E.A: I don’t think you quite understand.
Lynne: We’ll take it (as if nothing happened)
R.E.A: What?
Kai: You heard her, now give us the keys, oh and the deed to please.
Their agent grudgingly takes their money and hands them the keys and they deed to the house. She leaves as the three friends enter the home, which has a grave yard lingering in the garden, and decide to settle themselves in.
INT. – Inside the haunted house – 6pm
They drag their luggage into the home and have a good look about. The inside is rather large and quite impressive. A normal looking, church type home.
Kai: *Whistles as he looks about* Neat!
Amy: Yeah, I love it!
Lynne: *Staring at a random painting, which has moving eyes* Very nice
Just as they are getting settled the light blow and they are placed in entire darkness.
Lynne: huh the lights blew a fuse
Kai: Lets go down to the basement and find the fuse box.
Lynne: No torches
Amy: So? Whats the worst that could happen?
All three head down to the basement, no lights, no torches no matches no nothing. Just themselves alone in a haunted home.
As they head down towards the basement things begin to happen, like a gust of wind behind them.
Kai is currently leading the way, Amy and Lynne are walking together when a small gust of wind tickles the back of their neck. Both stop with eyes wide open. Both pause then crinkle their faces as they smell something horrid.
Amy: Aww Kai did you crack one?
Kai: Haha Yeah sorry ladies.
Lynee: Honestly Kai, change your diet.
They continue, they hadn’t felt the gust of wind. They come to the bottom of the stairs where the flooring changes to stone.
Kai: Guess the decorators got lazy
Lynne: Seems that way
They continue onward, in the semi dark, for some reason there are candles which lit down here. They head towards where they hope to find the fuse box.
Amy: Strange, look at the candles
Lynne: What about them?
Amy: Well this place is supposed to be old and yet the candles are new…*grabs a hold of one of the candles* look see Ikea brand!
Lynne - (looks at the bottom of the candle and smiles ) Well would you look at that.
Kai: come on ladies, or I am gonna leave you behind.
Amy: whatever! *puts the candle back*
In the meantime they have yet to notice the shadow drifting behind them. As they continue to walk, Kai taking the lead and Eva (Lynnes character has now been named Eva) at his heels, Amy wonders behind them taking in the dungeon surroundings.
Slowly as Amy is wondering, the shadow creep up to her. An eerie feeling brushes through Amy's hair, she pauses for a moment and shrugs it off.
Amy: Must be a draft somewhere
She continues to walk on when the shadow, looks like a typical ghost, enters her body - Possesion. Her once again come to stop where her eyes look empty and lifeless. Kai and Eva haven't noticed at all and keep walking.
Eva: Amy, what's taking you so long, geez hurry up.
Kai notices the fuse box and and grins as he walks closer to it.
Kai: Found it. Ok Eva fix the lights!
Eva: WHAT?! why me? i dont wanna be electrocuted, you do it!
Kai: But i dont know anything about these things...hold on, you dont wanna be eletrocuted but you are more than happy for me to be electrocuted?!
Eva: Ok ok, i'll walk you through, just quit whining
Whilst they are arguing about who should fis the lights, Amy's body is floating in the air. Her body climbing up walls, doing flip in the air standing on the ceiling. All that crazy stuff ghosts usually do.
Kai: I need some form of light....hey Amy, bring one of those candles would you?
Amys body starts to drift closer to him, in that eerie ghost like manner.
Kai: Amy stop fooling around, i need a candle!
In his frustration he turns round to yell at her some more, his hand flailing at the same time. By accident he smacks her on the face and knocks her to the floor, knocking the shadow out of her body. The shadow rubs the side of its face floats away, a look of pain and sadness on it face.
Amy: huh...oww what was that for?
Kai: I asked nicely, now bring the candle and hurry up!
Amy: Sheesh, you didn't have to hit me.
Amy: (mutters) You didn't even ask the first time...i think
As she goes to get the candle she has the feeling that something happened, she just couldn't quite put her finger on it.
Amy: Meh whatever
Grabbing the ikea brand candle she takes it over to Kai and hold it over the fuse box so he can see.
Kai plays around with the wires, Eva helping as best she can. After some time and few shocks they finaly get the lights to come back online.
Eva: Finaly some proper light
Kai: it just needed some love, ok so lets go back up.
They close the fuse box and head back up the stairs, away from the dungeon. When they come back upstairs.
Scene 3
Int. Back on the 1st floor of the house. 8pm
The guys back on the 1st of the house, their suitcases lying on the floor where they were left. As they stand in the room Amy is busy dusting herself off, Kai is heading towards his stuff and Eva is once again looking around.
Eva: Kinda weird how the light blew
Amy: Yeah, that was odd, maybe its haunted -she starts to make ghost faces and sounds at Eva-
Eva: -rolls her eyes- Uh-huh, yeah cause ghosts totally exist
Kai: -turns around to face Eva and Amy- Oooo that would be funny, oooooo -he starts to wave his ams in the air like a ghost-
Both Amy and Kai have started acting like ghosts, randomly swaying around Eva. They haven't that their suitcases have now been tipped to the ground and their clothes scattered.
Eva: Seriously guys, quit it
Kai: Oooo you scared of ghosts?!
Eva: stop it, Now!..Look you're making a mess -points to the suitcases-
They both stop to look at the suitcases, Amys' eyes widen in horror. Quickly she darts over to her suitcase.
Amy: Thats not funny...how dare you?
Kai and Eva: How dare we what?
Amy: -dart them a glare as she hugs her 360 elite- how dare you abuse my 360 so.
-starts to talk to her 360- Dont worry you're ok
Kai: it wasn't us Amy, and it just a ...
Before he could even finish his sentence, she grabs her stuff and storms up the stairs, leaving Kai and Eva downstairs.
Eva: Touchy isn't she?
Kai: yeah...though if it were my manga i would probably be pissed as well
Eva: i know, but we didn't do anything
Kai shrugs and starts to pack up his clothes again. Eva does the same and both head up the stairs.
Kai: Lets get our rooms and stuff
Scene 4.
Int-2nd floor, Amy's room-10pm
Most of Amy's stuff is still packed away in boxes. The only things that are unpacked are her HD television, her 360 and DMC 4. Her favourite game for the 360 and the one she is absolutely obssesed with.
She is playing frantically, her legs crossed, leaning forward and completely focused on her game.
Amy: hurry and die already! Cant believe i have to kill you again!! DIE!
These are the only screams you hear from her room, well that and the battle music from DMC.
As she is playing and getting to the part where the boss she is trying to kill is about to die, her 360 dies! 3 little red lights appear on her machine and her game is lost forever...the ring of death has struck.
There is a pause of silence as her eyes completely widen, her jaw dropping to the floor as she drops the controller.
Scene 4
Int.Kais room, 2nd floor.11pm
Kai was originaly sorting his manga from the box they were packed in when Eva came through with her pc so he could help set it up with her. Believe it or not she another person to help her.
Whilst in the midst of setting the pc up they here a high pitched scream from Amys' room and both look at each other worried.
Kai: What the hell?
Eva: No idea, let go and....
But just as she was to say lets go and see, Amy burst into the room and ran straight into Kai. Who at the time was drinking a glass of milk. Whilst running into him he dropped his milk on the pc wires which cause an unusually large fire to start. Kai jumped back from the fire taking Amy with him, Eva however merely fell to her knees as she watched her beloved pc on fire.
Eva:My pc....my pc....
Kai: Shit...what the hell Amy?...
There was no time for answers , the fire very quickly spread to Kais precious manga collection and started to burn them up. His jaw dropping he jumped into the fire with the impulse to save his precious manga.
Amy: my 360!
Eva: My pc!
in the end the fire took the whole house and everything and everyone with it.
Scene 5
Int.Coffee shop.9am
3 young students are sitting at a table, looking for a place to live. The take note of one article:
*On the newspaper article about the home:
9 Unsolved murders, said to be haunted!
One of the students: Hey this house seems to be available!
By Natasha Nathani